反应粘型强力交叉膜自粘防水卷材(厂家 批发 加盟) - 云南楚天宏源防水科技有限公司 - 防水材料招商网【fsclzs.com】


产品分类:防水卷材 -自粘防水卷材



B&B-U Reactive strong cross membrane self adhesive waterproof membrane is a patented new type product developed  independently by Yong Song Co., Ltd. It is a big breakthrough of the production and construction technologies of self-stick water-proof roll material. It takes synthetic rubber, high-quality heavy-traffic asphalt, tackifier and inhibitor as basic materials, American imported Valeron TM strength film as surface material, and anti-adhesive paper (film) as separation layer.

产品特点(优势)Product properties (advantages)









1).It has excellent bonding performance, can realize full bonding with the structure and can prevent efficiently water-moving between layers caused by roll damage.

2). Strength cross-film has fine dimensional stability,UV-resistance and bidirectional tear resistance.

3).High tear resistance and puncture resistance, and excellent wire pull strength.

4). Specific “self-repairing” function which can self repair the small puncture.

5).The bonding between roll and substrates is firm. It will generate chemical crosslink reaction with cast-in-place concrete or grout to makea firm bonding between waterproof layer and structural substrates, so as to realize waterproof and anti-leakage.

6). It can adopt cold application, safe and environment friendly, no pollution and no hidden danger to safety.

7). Excellent high and low temperature resistances, adaptable to the weather change in hot and cold areas,

8). According to the application location and the substrate conditions, you can adopt wet paving, dry paving, border adhesion method, pre-paving and inverted adhesion method, and other methods.

适用范围Application scope


Waterproof projects of basements and roofs in industrial and civil buildings; waterproof projects of subways, tunnels, civil airdefense projects and underground public works; waterproof projects of planting roofs of underground garages and roof gardens.

接口搭接方式lap mode of interfaces

交叉叠压强力膜 stagger-laminated strength film

密封强力胶  sealing mighty adhesive

隔离膜separate film

高分子湿铺防水卷材 macromolecule wet-paving waterproof roll material


single-sided bonding:sealing adhesive+stagger-laminated strength film

交叉层压膜—性能特点 stagger-laminated strength film-properties

强度高,抗撕裂性好  high strength,high tear resistance

交叉层压膜       stagger-laminated strength film

普通PET薄膜       ordinary PET film

贮存 Storage

1) 不同类型、规格的产品应分别存放,不应混杂。避免日晒雨淋,应在干燥通风的环境下贮存,温度不应高于45℃ ,平放时码高不得高于5层,立放时单层堆放。


1)Roll materials of different types and specifications should be stored separately. They should be shielded from the sun and rain and stored in a dry and ventilated condition with a temperature under 45℃. When they are piled up flatly, the number should not exceed 5 rolls. Single roll can stand to stack.

2)In common storage condition, the guarantee period is one year.

施工流程 construction process



Non-curable rubber asphalt waterproof coating

简介 Introduction




It is creep thermal bonding waterproof coating in which asphalt is modified by synthetic polymers, butyl rubber and viscous material to own creep and self-bonding properties. It is liquefied by heating on site and coated over substrates to form waterproof coating film with strong bonding, creep and self-repairing capabilities. It can not only serve as independent waterproof coating, but also can form complex waterproof coating film with other roll material.

It has the special property of non-curable creep which can seal cracks and capillary channels in substrates, and absorb stress instead of transferring stress, so as to furthest reduce the impact imposed on waterproof layer by substrate  deformation, and in the meantime, its self-repairing property works while some place is punctured, and the rheologica  property of the material will make surrounding creeping material move to the punctured place and fill up, thus its water proof function can be recovered.

When it is combined with other roll material, its excellent bonding power will make both materials bond tightly, to complement each other' s advantages and form high-reliable waterproof structural layer.

产品特点Product features






1.Its unique creep property can effectively prevent waterproof from being ripped by substrate crack.

2.Excellent glutinousness can seal capillary pores and cracks in substrates to prevent water breakthrough between waterproof layers,

3.Excellent bonding property can make it form complex waterproof layer (coating film+roll material) with all kinds roll materials.

4.It can adopt one-time high-build method, not needing curing period, and it can be constructed prior to raining or under low temperature, with a short construction period and excellent overall performance.

5.Low density, less consumption, saving both labor and material, with high composite economic results.

性能指标(执行标准):Product features


适用范围Scope of application

可用于地下室、地铁、隧道、厕浴间防水、厨房防水,以及各种管道、罐体等设备的防腐蚀, 本品还可用于木地板、水泥制品、陶瓷制品等物质的粘结等。

It can be used in waterproof of basements, subways, tunnels, toilets and kitchens, anticorrosion of pipes and tanks and bonding of wood floor, cement products and ceramic products.

施工要点 Construction key points







•Clean the substrate, clean out dust and loose cement mortar;

•Heat the coating to 150-180°C and melted using a special heater;

•Scrape the melted coating over the substrate in line with design thickness. For every time, the scrape thickness should be not more than 2mm, so as to ensure evenness of the coating. When the coating is applied, the roll material or isolation layer should be paved immediately, so as to keep off dust which will affect bonding;

•If the reinforcement material is needed, it should be paved before base coating is cold. When it is paved, the surface coating can be applied immediately;

•If the coating serves as independent waterproof layer, non-woven fabrics or felt should be paved over the coating before the protection layer is constructed;

•When the complex waterproof layer (coating film+roll material) is constructed, the roll material should be paved before the coating is cold. Lap seams should be jointed and sealed using hot melted coating.

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