聚氨酯防水涂料(厂家 批发 加盟) - 云南楚天宏源防水科技有限公司 - 防水材料招商网【fsclzs.com】


产品分类:防水涂料 -聚氨酯防水涂料

简介 /Introduction


主要性能指标 Performance

执行标准/Standard : GB19250-2013


注意事项 Precautions





•it is strictly prohibited to contact with water. No burning at the storage site;

•keep it at the place below 40℃and prevent it exposed to the direct sunlight for a long time;

•before applying the protection layer, no person is allowed to enter the site, in order to avoid stepping on coating layer causing damages. If you find punctures, you can cut around the damage and apply waterproof paint to repair the damages.

•the construction site must be well-ventilated.

施工要点 Construction Points






•substrate treatment: The surface should be level, solid and without loose sand, water. When the material is stirred evenly, you can use brushes or rubber scrapers to scrape coating and render.

•brush surface: When the primer is cured, brush the paint in several times. For one time, it is suitable to apply 0.3mm-0.5mm thick (if over-thick, the coat is easy to blister). You should apply the paint in a direction vertical to the last time to ensure an even thickness,

•scatter ballast: If it is needed to plaster over a facade, when the last coat is not completely cured, you should scatter ballast of 2mm-3mm thick over the surface to reinforce the bonding force to cement mortar.

•acceptance inspection of waterproof coat: Before you do the protection layer, you need to inspect the construction quality of the waterproof coat which should be full, evenly thick, without uncoated spots, bulges, peeling off, cracks, edge warping and other defects. If required, you should inspect it by filling water. No leak approves it is qualified. 

•the construction of protection layer: When the coat is fully cured and inspected to be qualified, you can plaster cement mortar or pave face bricks, mosaic in the traditional way to construct protection layer.

The left paint must be sealed to keep.

特点 Feature





•excellent mechanical property and low temperature property, easy to apply, seamless, good cohesive property and elasticity, and convenient and fast to repair;

•high solid content, no volatile matter is generated and separated out during and after construction, therefore, harmless to constructors and the environment.

•no need to prepare on site, it is prepared and you can apply it the moment you open the can. Free of errors in measurement to affect the quality.

•the color can be tailored to meet the customized requirement.

贮存运输 Storage and transportation




•store the material in dray and ventilated rooms.

•avoid to expose to the sun and rain during transportation and avoid impact.

•the storage life is half a year. If expired, you can restore it to use after inspecting it qualified.

使用范围Scope of use

可用于地下室、地铁、隧道、厕浴间防水、厨房防水,以及各种管道、罐体等设备的防腐蚀, 本品还可用于木地板、水泥制品、陶瓷制品等物质的粘结等。

□ It can be used in waterproof of basements, subways, tunnels, toilets arid kitchens, anticorrosion of pipes and tanks and bonding of wood floor, cement products and ceramic products.

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